Your phone is both the tool and the target of this scam.

The National Police have issued a warning via their official TikTok channel to alert citizens about the threat posed by a phone scam known as the “double call scam,” which follows a pattern that may seem convincing to those unfamiliar with telecommunications companies’ practices.

The scam consists of two corresponding phases, as its name suggests, involving two different phone calls:

First part: the ‘call from your operator’

According to the Police in the video, the scammer begins by impersonating a representative from the user’s current mobile phone operator. During the call, the scammer informs the user of an imminent increase in their mobile phone bill, which usually provokes anger in the person receiving the call.

Throughout the call, the scammer addresses the victim using their full name (information that is unfortunately easy for many criminals to obtain), which increases the credibility of the call.

Second part: the competition steps in

A few hours after this first call, the second part of the scam kicks in: the user receives a new call, this time claiming to be from a competitor’s mobile operator, who, conveniently, offers a much more attractive deal on their mobile phone services.

This ‘competitor’ promises better conditions and a cheaper rate, right when the frustration from the previous price increase makes the victim more vulnerable to the offer.

The goal is to convince the user to switch companies as soon as possible, pushing them to request a service transfer or new activation, which benefits the scammers.

Key tips to spot the scam

The National Police have provided several key tips to identify this type of fraud and avoid falling into the trap:

  • Mobile phone operators do not inform customers of rate increases through phone calls. Any changes to contractual terms must be done in writing, with at least one month’s notice.
  • The urgency with which the scammers try to finalize the contract change is a red flag: scammers aim to pressure the user into making hasty decisions. If the caller insists that the price increase is imminent and you haven’t been notified in advance, it’s likely a fraud attempt.

What to do if you receive a suspicious call?

The best advice, according to the Police, is prevention. If you receive a call informing you of an imminent change to your rate conditions, be suspicious. The recommended course of action is not to provide any personal or financial information during the call and hang up immediately. Then, contact your operator directly to verify if the call was legitimate.

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