Fact Checking Policy

Commitment to Accuracy

At FIKKU.COM, we are committed to delivering accurate, factual, and informative content to our readers. We recognize the power of words and the responsibility that comes with publishing information. Our fact-checking policy is designed to ensure the highest standards of journalistic integrity and to maintain the trust of our audience.

Author Responsibilities

  1. Precision in Language: Authors must be precise with their words, headlines, and URLs. Ambiguity or sensationalism that could mislead readers is strictly prohibited.
  2. Verification of Information: Authors are required to verify all information they include in their articles. This includes:
  • Identifying information (names, titles, positions)
  • Quotes and statements
  • Statistical data
  • Historical facts
  • Claims from social media or other web sources
  1. Use of Credible Sources: Authors must rely on reputable and authoritative sources. When possible, information should be corroborated by multiple sources.
  2. Transparency: If information cannot be independently verified, authors must clearly state this in the article.

Fact-Checking Process

  1. Primary Responsibility: Each author is primarily responsible for fact-checking their own work.
  2. Editorial Review: Editors will review articles for factual accuracy before publication.
  3. External Fact-Checkers: FIKKU.COM reserves the right to employ external fact-checkers for articles on complex or sensitive topics, or as deemed necessary by editorial leadership.
  4. Continuous Verification: Even after publication, we remain vigilant. If new information comes to light that challenges the accuracy of our content, we will promptly investigate and update as necessary.

Correction Policy

  1. Prompt Corrections: If an error is identified, we will correct it as quickly as possible and note the correction transparently within the article.
  2. Severity Assessment: The prominence of our correction will be proportional to the severity of the error.

Training and Support

FIKKU.COM is committed to providing ongoing training and resources to our authors to enhance their fact-checking skills and awareness of potential misinformation.

By adhering to this policy, FIKKU.COM strives to be a reliable source of information, fostering an informed and discerning readership.